Thursday 28 October 2010

Fred does some research...

After his recent encounter with Bluey, the little blue chick, Fred was very confused. He wasn't sure whose side he should be on! Obviously he felt an affinity with the other bunnies, but he was rather frightened of the chicks, so he didn't really want to get involved. Involved, Fred was though, but he wasn't sure what the whole thing was about. Fred decided that before he did anything, he should do some research. So Fred went to the library.
Fred sat on a shelf and looked at the books, scanning for something that might be relevant.
"Aha!" said Fred aloud, "this looks perfect!" Hare and the Easter Eggs by Alison Uttley, Fred read to himself. "Hmm" mumbled Fred, gazing at the cover, hoping this little book would enlighten him about the whole ongoing Easter battle between chicks and bunnies.
Fred sat down and got comfortable, opened the book and got settled, prepared for a long day's reading.
So he sat and read the book from cover to cover.
At the end Fred closed the book and crossed his arms. Hmm, thought Fred to himself, I think I understand Easter a little better, but I'm not sure this story is true.
It was a cute story. Fred liked the main character, Hare, although Fred could never be so brave as he was, but Fred didn't like how Hare had stolen an egg. "Do bunnies steal eggs with chicks in them?" he whispered to himself. Fred was even more confused!
Despite how frightened he was, Fred was going to have to talk to the bunnies...

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