Wednesday 14 July 2010

Fred gets chased into a tree by Tigger

It was a lovely sunny day so Fred went out into the garden.
He sat amongst the flowers again enjoying the sunshine.
Fred watched the bees and flies and other insects flying from flower to flower.
It was rather relaxing
just sitting there.
But then Fred noticed a dark shape moving towards him.
What appeared to be a tail was moving above it.

Suddenly Fred twigged.
It was a cat!
After the last interaction Fred had had with a cat, where he thought the cat liked him and then it had pulled off his happy bunny face, Fred was understandably nervous.
Fred decided it would be best to hide.
He climbed into a little tree, thinking that being up high he would be safer.

Did the cat see him?
The little stripy cat wandered lazily over to the tree and lay down in the shade.
Fred held his breath, hoping the stripy cat hadn't spotted him.
'Tigger' read Fred off the stripy cat's collar, "so that's what she must be called..."
Fred wasn't sure if little stripy cats were different to little black cats, so he was far too frightened to talk to her.

Fred decided to just sit quietly in the tree and wait until Tigger went away.
Tigger sat up, licked her paw and looked around.
Fred tried to not breath.
Tigger walked around and around the tree, sniffing at the branches and pawing the grass.
Then she lay down again.
But she lay there for ages!
Fred was very quiet.
He tried to not move at all.
Fred started to get sore.
"How long will she lie there for?!" thought Fred, getting very tired and very bored.
"I can't take it anymore!" thought Fred.
Tigger looked alot like she was sleeping, and he was very high in the tree so he thought it might be safe to climb down.
Fred started to climb quietly round to the other side.
Fred climbed precariously out onto a branch.
He sat there for a little while, feeling safe being further away from the stripy cat, and camouflaged amongst the flowers, but the branch was too unsteady.
Fred moved further out and it started to bend.
The branch bended so far that it reached the ground and Fred was able to clamber off and into the grass.
Fred peeked around the corner of the tree and saw that Tigger was still sleeping.
"Phew!" thought Fred and he sneaked back to the house.
"I escaped a cat!" thought Fred, glad to have avoided a conflict but also a little sad because the stripy cat seemed nice and gentle.
"Bunnies and cats don't mix!" he reminded himself, so he wouldn't be tempted to go back and see if Tigger would be his friend.

Occupied by these thoughts, Fred hadn't realised that the window was now closed.
Fred was locked out!
"How will I get back in?" Fred wondered, starting to feel frightened again.
"Oh no! what will I do?"
Fred knocked at the door but they didn't answer.
"Perhaps I knocked too quietly?" thought Fred.
Fred looked through the little eye hole but no one could be seen.
"Do they not recognise me?" he said.
Fred sat on the front doorstep and thought about when to do.
"Aha!" he thought, "the letterbox!"
So he climbed through the leterbox, which was awfully awkward, but hooray, he was back safe at home!

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