Monday 14 June 2010

Fred goes into the garden...

Fred decided he needed some air, and went out into the garden to explore.
He sat on a log but it was a bit barren.
It made him feel rather lonely and desolate.

Fred decided he'd climb a tree.
It was a beautiful apple tree, in full bloom.
Sitting up there, it was very pretty with lots of bumble bees buzzing from flower to flower.
Fred tried to talk to the bumble bees but they were far too busy collecting pollen to make honey.
"Better let them get on with it!" Fred sighed.
Fred clambered along the branch further to where a bird feeder was hanging.
"Maybe some wee birds will talk to me?" Fred said quietly.
As he drew closer however, Fred realised there was no bird food in it! It was completely empty.
"So no birds will come up here then?" Fred tried to understand. He could see some birds further away and realised that as it was springtime the birds didn't need a bird feeder because there was plenty of food about for them.
Fred started to feel a bit dizzy so high up in the tree.
He fell, oh no!
And landed softly on the grass.
"Lucky for me I'm only made of fabric and stuffing," thought Fred, with a sigh of relief.
Getting more comfortable, Fred sat amongst the flowers feeling quite happy with the sun warming his face, as the insects buzzed about him, the daisies and bluebells swaying softly in a gentle breeze.
"I could stay here forever," thought Fred looking up to the bright blue sky, as fluffy white clouds bounced across it, twisting and turning themselves into any shape Fred could imagine.
"Anything seems possible," he whispered to a butterfly as it fluttered past him.

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