Tuesday 22 June 2010

Fred tries a new hat...

Feeling somewhat disillusioned about his bunny persona, Fred thought he'd take a break from it. Once he was safe at home, Fred takes off his bunny face, lays it beside his bed and curls up in his duvet in an attempt to sleep.
"Isn't that what people always say?" thought Fred, "sleep on it..."
But Fred's mind kept going in circles, questions only being followed by other questions.
Fred tossed and turned in his bed, the duvet twisting itself into tangles around his legs.
He cuddled teddy in an attempt to get some sort of comfort, but he still could not drop off to sleep.
Fred's mind kept weighing up whether he should be a bunny or not, and what it would mean to be either.
Yet every time he seemed to come to a conclusion, his stomach would twist in anticipation and he would find himself right at the beginning, thinking everything all over again.

"But if I wasn't a bunny, what would I be?" seemed to be the thought that was the sticking point.

Remembering he had some little hats, Fred had a funny image in his head of himself looking quite different. Fred sat up in bed, sick of the merry-go-round of his mind, and decided that he would try on the little hat, just to see.
Fred wasn't convinced the hat would suit him but he had to try, knowing that wearing the hat would help him make his decision.
Fred went over to the little bag sitting at the end of his bed, and he took out the little red Santa hat he had found some time before.
Putting it on, Fred realised it was a tad too big.
He tilted the little red Santa hat this way and that, and although it was very festive, it just wasn't Fred.
When he'd found the happy bunny face, he'd just known, and when he had put it on he felt better, like he'd found himself.
So this made Fred realise that despite how complicated it could be being a weird bunny hybrid, it was better than being just Fred.

So Fred put on his happy bunny face again, curled up in bed with teddy and finally, fell into a peaceful sleep, having made his decision.

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