Friday 5 November 2010

Fred's Halloween Adventure Part 4

How to Charm a Curious Cat
Almost there, but there was one last major challenge: the cat guardians of the castle entrance.
Fred wondered what he had in his bag that would help him.
He stopped behind a tree whilst he conjured up a plan.
"OK so if they are cats and I'm a bunny, how am I to get past? Would they try to eat me?" Fred had memories of past experiences with cats that hadn't gone too well...
Being a bunny is probably not the best idea in these circumstances...
"I know!" Fred whispered, almost forgetting himself and his location.
Fred took out the big sunglasses he had brought, looked at them thoughtfully and put them on.
"I wish I had the mirror now", he murmured, suspicious of how unconvincing his disguise was.
Hoping for the best Fred snuck out from behind the tree and approached the two cats guarding the entrance to the castle.
"Hey" said Fred, trying to sound relaxed like he was supposed to be there, and also not a bunny.
Fred held his breath as the cats turned to look at him, absolutely cool as cucumbers.
"No one is allowed through," said the blue cat, "Go home."
Just as Fred was about to try to reason, the yellow cat spoke up, "Wait!" she exclaimed.
"I think he's famous!"
"What?" replied the blue cat, then turning to Fred asked him: "who are you?"
"Wait!" said the yellow cat again, "Let me get it!"
"I know you! I'm sure of it!"
Fred just smiled enigmatically and waited whilst the excited little yellow cat rabbited on,
"I know you I'm sure of it! Let me get it, let me get it. I swear I'll remember."
The little yellow cat was bouncing up and down, full of excitement and asking him strange questions trying to work out how she knew him, "Holby, you were in that?" "are you sure?" "Emmerdale! That must be it!" "No? Are you a singer?"
Fred was starting to quail under all this attention, and was not getting any closer to getting into the castle.
Faining apathy, Fred had a look in his bag again, trying desperately to come out with a plan B.
Fred smiles and brings out the harmonica, "Yep I'm a musician, maybe you'll recognise me once you hear one of my songs?"
The Yellow cat practically jumped out of her skin with excitement, "He's gonna play us a song! Us! This is like a world exclusive!"

At this point Fred started to play the mini harmonica,
playing a gentle lullaby.
Slowly but surely, the song lulls them to sleep.
Fred took away the harmonica from his mouth and smiled, hooray! he had charmed the cats and now could finally get past them.
"Bet the pink rabbit is long gone by now though!" said Fred to himself.
Fred gathered his belongings and feeling his stomach squirm and tighten, withdrew the knife he had brought for emergencies.
Fred went over to the big heavy door and tried to open it, but soon discovered that it was shut tight and no matter what he did it wouldn't budge. Fred sighed, "another obstacle! Didn't think it would be this hard..."
Fred looked up at the high outer wall, thinking, and noticed that the wall was rather crumbling with bricks missing here and there. He knocked the wall heavily, but it seemed quite  sturdy still.
"Right!" said Fred "looks like I'm climbing!"
Fred threw his bag over first and then began the climb up the wall, taking his time, aware of the big drop below.
Soon enough Fred reached the top.
Checking the coast was clear on the other side, Fred took a deep breath and climbed down into the dark shadows of the castle.

1 comment:

  1. FRED!!!! BE CAREFUL!!!!! I think you should have brought the grater after all!

    Yours concernedly, hannah.
