Wednesday 9 June 2010

Fred invents an electric blanket...

In an attempt to find himself, Fred sat and thought very hard about the things he knew about himself.
"I used to play guitar!" he suddenly remembered.
Fred loved playing music and he used to have a lovely hand-embroidered semi-acoustic guitar when he lived in the art college.
Unfortunately the Owl had borrowed it to take on a trip with the Pussycat and they'd been away for at least a year and a day by now, so he wasn't sure he'd ever get it back.
Fred hadn't played guitar in such a long time and thought it would be fun to play again.
But he didn't have a guitar.
What would he do?
Fred thought perhaps he could draw one.
He looked at some books, and drew out a really cool electric guitar.
It didn't quite sound the same but it was brilliant!
Fred sat and practised all day.
The guitar was very very quiet though so Fred wondered if he could amplify the sound.
"I could draw an amp as well," said Fred "But I don't any electricity to power it."

"Hmm," he thought, "what could I make I wonder?"
Fred sat and daydreamed of all the things he could invent.
"An electric blanket!" he thought. Fred had heard of ones before, but he thought one that could power a guitar would be perfect.
"It would even be a great stage show set..."
So Fred sat and daydreamed of being a musician and playing on stage, and of being an inventor...

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